Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Do you like to eat papaya ? I never like to eat papaya because of the taste and smell. But the goodness is great.

The benefits of PAPAYA fruit :

1. Increase the body's immunity
Contains of vitamin A and vitamin B are needed to improve the immunity.
2. Protects against free radicals
Papaya fruit also contains vitamin C, vitamin E, panthotenic acid, folic acid, flavonoids, magnesium, minerals, fiber and potassium, which act as antioxidants. As is known, serves as a protective antioxidant the body from free radicals.
3. Assist wound healing
Papaya fruit can assist the body in the healing process of wounds, especially burns, because it contains the enzyme papain and chymopapain enzyme that is useful to reduce inflammation and get rid of dead skin tissue from the injured skin. In addition, several other diseases also can be more severe when the body becomes inflamed. For this reason, papaya fruit is also recommended to be consumed by people who are sick.
4. Preventing cancer
One of the important properties of papaya fruit for the body is able to prevent cancer, especially colon cancer. This is possible because the papaya contain antioxidants and fiber which is pretty much so that it can help those who are experiencing difficulty in bowel movements. In addition, a study also mentions that the extract dried papaya can resist the growth of cancer cells.
5. Enhance male virility
Papaya is able to increase virility because they contain an enzyme called arginine. In the medical world, arginine is known as a substance that can increase blood flow in the penis of men. This substance also serves to increase the nitric acid in the body that relaxes the muscles around blood vessels that supply the genitals. Thus, these blood vessels will dilate and blood flow to the penis will increase.

6. Preventing lung disease
Papaya fruit is very useful for people who have weak lungs because they contain vitamin A in a considerable degree. Thus, eating papaya will make their bodies more resistant to transmission of diseases such as bronchitis caused by weak lungs was.

7. Controlling premature aging
Papaya fruit is believed by experts to control premature aging by helping the body to digest food properly. When the body properly digests all the nutrients needed by the body, then the body will be healthier and organ functions will run smoothly.

8. Prevent stroke and heart disease
The papaya fruit contains lots of fiber and antioxidants, which can help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the liver and lower levels automatically. With lower levels of cholesterol in the blood, then you will also avoid the risk of stroke and heart disease. In addition, the efficacy of papaya fruit also to maintain a healthy circulatory system and heart because they contain folic acid which can eradicate these harmful substances damaging the walls of blood vessels that cause heart attacks.
So after reading the benefits ensure papaya is one of your fruits shopping list ...

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