Did you know ?
- You can save RM365,800 over a lifetime by bringing your lunch to work in a brown paper bag
- People spend 12%-18% more when using credit cards than using cash
- You can expect to earn approximately RM81,700 more per year with a Bachelor Degree than just a high school diploma
- You frequently find yourself over the price range buys, only to dwell in remorse and regret later on
- Every new year, your resolution always states "save more money", but it NEVER happens !
- Your lunch breaks are often spent on secret shopping sprees
- You're always using another credit card to pay the minimum amount for various credit cards
- Your pay magically disappear unconsciously because of your addiction to online shopping
- You're broke every last week of the month and end up having to eat bread
- You say 'I NEED that' instead of 'I WANT that' and you end up buying in unnecessary buy again !
How to be Normal ?
Pay your bills on time, minimise eating lunch outside, reduce unnecessary subscriptions, save electricity, cook at home, plan your budget, the list goes on.... If all else fails, find a financial controller !
Remember every cent counts. Start saving in a piggy bank, or save RM5 per day adds up to RM150 a month, RM1,800 a year.
Source : OwnTheDollar.com: The Top Fifteen Personal Finance
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