Thursday, 8 August 2013


All time Women's favourite. I used to consumed it every alternate day. So delicious and proven the effectiveness. You will notice your complexion glows after a few days of intake. I usually boil more and keep it in the fridge to make it an instant drink for me. I consumed it almost everyday during my pregnancy and my kids complexion are smooth like porcelain, no rash/skin problem.

The benefits of bird's nest :
1. Strengthen and enhance the immune system
2. Improve the skin complexion, more radiant and fairer skin
3.Clears phlegm and helps to strengthen lungs and kidneys
4. Helps body to recover after injuries and operations
5. Improves body endurance

Simple recipe of adding in rock sugar and red dates. Double boil in the slow cooker for 3 hours.
Red dates is good to improve blood circulation.

Ladies, treat yourself once a while. Yummy....


Dear All,

Handmade Soap for sale. Suitable for sensitive, dry and problem skin. Especially for those who have acne/pimples problems on your back. It is made of pure essential lavender oil and tea tree oil with/without lavender flower buds. Try it now, you will love it !

Price : RM 20.00 per bar / 6 bars - RM 18.00 per bar
Delivery charges : RM 10
Color : Purple, Pink, Orange, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow or Combination of 2 colors

Email your orders to or sms to 012 - 232 9099.


Friday, 26 July 2013


Hainanese Chicken Rice is considered one of the best chicken rice. Originated from Hainan island in China. It is my all time favourite dish and must eat it once a week. For me, the chicken, rice and chilli is very important. Either one is poor, it will not be a perfect meal. I believe even children will not say NO to chicken rice.
I just had a good chicken rice for lunch at one of my favourite chicken rice stall in Puchong Perdana. I can say it is the BEST chicken rice in Puchong. The rice, chicken, chilli and the ginger sauce is so tasty.
My grandmother can cook the best original hainanese chicken rice cause she is from Hainan, China. She usually cook it during Chinese New Year ... Of course, I got to know her secret recipe.


Yogurt and other fermented foods like tempe, kimci and miso are bursting with probiotics or live cultures. Probiotics are welcome additions to the gut's native flora by promoting healthy digestion and enhancing immunity. Research has shown the positive effects of probiotics in preventing the recurrence of ulcerative colitis - one the more severe diseases encountered in those with recurrent bloody diarrhoea.

Ladies, try to consume at least once a week for good health benefit.

Looks like ice-cream, so delicious....


I read from a health magazine that says, a bit of nutty chocolate everyday can do wonders for your brain ! Nuts provide vitamin E, which slows cognitive decline as you age, while dark chocolate has antioxidant properties and natural stimulants to improve focus and concentration.

Don't go overboard, moderation is the best. Yummy.....

Wednesday, 17 July 2013


Who can define 'Simple Life' ? Are you living in a 'Simple Life' ?

It never come across my mind to live a simple life especially if you are living in the city. Working in the corporate world is never easy or simple. The working environment, your colleagues, your superiors, your customers, your suppliers are not simple. If you are loyal, happy, contented, helpful, peaceful in your daily lives perhaps you are living a 'Simple Life'.

When you are tired, frustrated and restless with your life, take a minute break and look up the skies, clouds, trees and the surrounding nature, you will feel a lot better and comforting. The nature certainly calms your mind.

Appreciate with what you have and what others do not have....

Tuesday, 16 July 2013


Do you like to eat papaya ? I never like to eat papaya because of the taste and smell. But the goodness is great.

The benefits of PAPAYA fruit :

1. Increase the body's immunity
Contains of vitamin A and vitamin B are needed to improve the immunity.
2. Protects against free radicals
Papaya fruit also contains vitamin C, vitamin E, panthotenic acid, folic acid, flavonoids, magnesium, minerals, fiber and potassium, which act as antioxidants. As is known, serves as a protective antioxidant the body from free radicals.
3. Assist wound healing
Papaya fruit can assist the body in the healing process of wounds, especially burns, because it contains the enzyme papain and chymopapain enzyme that is useful to reduce inflammation and get rid of dead skin tissue from the injured skin. In addition, several other diseases also can be more severe when the body becomes inflamed. For this reason, papaya fruit is also recommended to be consumed by people who are sick.
4. Preventing cancer
One of the important properties of papaya fruit for the body is able to prevent cancer, especially colon cancer. This is possible because the papaya contain antioxidants and fiber which is pretty much so that it can help those who are experiencing difficulty in bowel movements. In addition, a study also mentions that the extract dried papaya can resist the growth of cancer cells.
5. Enhance male virility
Papaya is able to increase virility because they contain an enzyme called arginine. In the medical world, arginine is known as a substance that can increase blood flow in the penis of men. This substance also serves to increase the nitric acid in the body that relaxes the muscles around blood vessels that supply the genitals. Thus, these blood vessels will dilate and blood flow to the penis will increase.

6. Preventing lung disease
Papaya fruit is very useful for people who have weak lungs because they contain vitamin A in a considerable degree. Thus, eating papaya will make their bodies more resistant to transmission of diseases such as bronchitis caused by weak lungs was.

7. Controlling premature aging
Papaya fruit is believed by experts to control premature aging by helping the body to digest food properly. When the body properly digests all the nutrients needed by the body, then the body will be healthier and organ functions will run smoothly.

8. Prevent stroke and heart disease
The papaya fruit contains lots of fiber and antioxidants, which can help prevent the oxidation of cholesterol in the liver and lower levels automatically. With lower levels of cholesterol in the blood, then you will also avoid the risk of stroke and heart disease. In addition, the efficacy of papaya fruit also to maintain a healthy circulatory system and heart because they contain folic acid which can eradicate these harmful substances damaging the walls of blood vessels that cause heart attacks.
So after reading the benefits ensure papaya is one of your fruits shopping list ...


Winners are more aware. They display a Positive Self-Awareness.
  • Winner are eager to learn
  • Winners are honest
  • Honest about the time and effort spent
  • When what you think, how your feel and what you do - are nearly consistent
  • Winners are sensitive, they don't need drugs or external stimulants to make life "a happening"
  • Winners are open, they see alternatives in every situation
  • The ability to accept the fact that everyone is unique and able to understand another person's point of view.
  • Winners realize that adaptability is the key to success, to mental and physical health and key to survival.
  • Winners learn how to relax and cope with trials and tribulations of everyday life.
  • Winners develop mental toughness or refer as strength of character
"Take a moment to HEAR today, what others have to SAY,
LISTEN today.... Whatever you do or they won't be there.... to listen to YOU !"



Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, "Why is the bride dressed in white?" "Because white is the colour of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life." The child thought about this for a moment, then said, "So why is the groom wearing black?"

“Marriage: Love is the reason. Lifelong friendship is the gift. Kindness is the cause. Till death do us part is the length.”

“Being in a long marriage is a little bit like that nice cup of coffee every morning – I might have it every day, but I still enjoy it.”

“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.”


Have you ever cheat on your husband/wife ? Are you prepare to deal with such situations ? Have you thought of the consequences? I have seen a happy family together but both husband and wife cheat. Best thing is that both are aware and the whole family just kept silence. Even their friends knew about it. Complicated right.
Well cheating husband/wife is very common in the world.
Listed below are the most common findings about cheating husbands
  • Men are more likely than women to cheat.  It is estimated that close to 50% of all men will cheat at some point in their lives
  • Husbands are also more likely to engage in online cheating – using chat rooms, webcams and online services to arrange sexual encounters (including prostitution).
  • The more money a husband makes, the more likely he is to be unfaithful.  Having more money brings more opportunity and wealth tends to attract more women
  • A lack of sexual excitement or the routine of having sex with the same person often leads men to stray.  Men are more likely to be drawn to the thrill of having sex with someone new
  • Husbands are less likely than wives to consider leaving their spouse when having an affair
  • A cheating husband is more likely to have an affair with someone who is younger than his wife.
  • When having a one-night stand, men are less choosy than women when it comes to selecting someone to have sex with.
  • Husbands are more likely to feel that cheating is justified due to the lack of sex within a marriage.
Top 9 Signs Your Spouse Is Cheating :
  1. "I love you but I'm not in love with you"
  2. "We are just friends"
  3. A sudden need of privacy - hidden credit cards and phone bills, computer password set-up
  4. "I need some space to figure out my feelings"
  5. Regular work habits change
  6. Spending a large amount of time on the computer
  7. Secretive phone calls and more time spend on phone
  8. Behaviour that just doesn't add up - missing clothing, not present, suspicious receipt
  9. Your own fear and suspicions - your intuition is the best indicator
Communication is very important. Share with one another the problems, your thoughts, feelings, your daily activities, your children, friends, colleagues, boss, the weather, it can be any topics to create a healthy conversation. You do share all this with your friend, why not the person you sleep with every night. I have seen old couples who kept silence during meal time. This is what you classified as "Communication Breakdown". Dining table is the best time to communicate as everyone is gathered around the table. You work from 8-10 hours a day, therefore dinner time is the most precious to spend with your family members. It doesn't make sense why a working person can spend longer time with the colleagues/ in the office and yet not bored with it.
Plan for a holiday, a simple candle light dinner, watch a movie, window shopping or a LOVING HUG & KISSES does make a difference.
Analyse your current situation now and try to improve it if you still care and love your partner.

Monday, 15 July 2013


Did you know ?
  • You can save RM365,800 over a lifetime by bringing your lunch to work in a brown paper bag
  • People spend 12%-18% more when using credit cards than using cash
  • You can expect to earn approximately RM81,700 more per year with a Bachelor Degree than just a high school diploma
Your spending is not NORMAL if ...
  • You frequently find yourself over the price range buys, only to dwell in remorse and regret later on
  • Every new year, your resolution always states "save more money", but it NEVER happens !
  • Your lunch breaks are often spent on secret shopping sprees
  • You're always using another credit card to pay the minimum amount for various credit cards
  • Your pay magically disappear unconsciously because of your addiction to online shopping
  • You're broke every last week of the month and end up having to eat bread
  • You say 'I NEED that' instead of 'I WANT that' and you end up buying in unnecessary buy again !
If your subconscious is hinting that at least 3 of the above describe about you, then your spending is NOT normal.

How to be Normal ?
Pay your bills on time, minimise eating lunch outside, reduce unnecessary subscriptions, save electricity, cook at home, plan your budget, the list goes on.... If all else fails, find a financial controller !

Remember every cent counts. Start saving in a piggy bank, or save RM5 per day adds up to RM150 a month, RM1,800 a year.

Source : The Top Fifteen Personal Finance


Here are five fruits for healthy skin that can make you  skin glow:

1. Kiwi and Pomegranate: Consumption and application of Kiwi fruit helps ensure healthy, clear, beautiful skin. Kiwis are rich in pectin and fiber, which strengthen digestion. They also may prevent wrinkles and blemishes.  Pomegranates are also superb for overall skin health. This red fruit is power-packed with antioxidants which fight against free radicals, control acne, and prevent wrinkles.
2. Papaya and Peach: Papaya is a natural exfoliating tonic. It leaves your skin spotless with its high vitamin A content.With moisture rich peaches, you can say goodbye to dry skin. You can happily bypass moisturizing creams if you include peaches in your diet.
3. Lemon and Berries: Consuming citrus fruits helps guarantee clear skin.  If you want clear skin, choose citrus fruits such as oranges, mandarins, or the trusty old lemon! Lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is great for the skin. Berries are as packed in antioxidants as fruits. Strawberries, Cranberries, Bilberries, or Blueberries are all great for overall health. The antioxidants in these berries can work wonders for rejuvenating your skin.
4. Apple and Banana: Apples win hands down because of their toning capabilities. You can achieve perfectly toned and conditioned skin if you eat apples. Apples are also rich in pectin – the starch essential in driving away acne! Bananas contain emolliating natural fats and complex proteins to smooth and soften your skin.
5. Fresh Vegetables: The fiber content in vegetables helps increase the flow of chemical amylase enzymes in the body, enhancing the digestive process. Proper digestion promises clear and healthy skin with no harmful preservatives clogging up your system.

Natural secrets to glowing and healthy skin are based on a well balanced diet. Regular portions of the above mentioned fruits and vegetables can nourish your skin and prevent wrinkles. Eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, and leafy greens. Good nutrition is the basic building block of fresh, glowing, healthy skin!
As for me, my favourite fruit from the above list is apple, banana, kiwi and vegetables. What's yours ? So ensure you consume it on a daily basis and remember to introduce it to your kids.


When I got home last night, my wife demanded that I take her someplace expensive.
So, I took her to a petrol pump And then the fight started.

I asked my wife, "Where do you want to go for our anniversary?"
It warmed my heart to see her face melt in sweet appreciation. "Somewhere I've not been in a long time."
So I took her to the kitchen. Then the fight started.

My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping channels.
She asked, 'What's on TV?'
I said, 'Dust.' And then the fight started.

My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary.
She said, 'I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 100 in about 3 seconds.'
I bought her a weighing scale. And then the fight started.


Something funny I read for all of you ....

They say that there are no "Stupid Questions".... well think again.

The best of those stupid, dumb, and funny questions. Some of them really make you think, some make your laugh, and some are just plain stupid…
  • If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?
  • When cheese gets its picture taken, what does it say?
  • Why isn’t the number 11 pronounced onety one?
  • If it’s true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?
  • If 4 out of 5 people suffer from diarrhea does that mean the fifth one enjoys it?
  • If man evolved from monkeys and apes, why do we still have monkeys and apes?
  • If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?
  • If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?
  • What is a question with no answer called?
  • Why is a square meal served on round plates?
  • Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up 10 times every hour?
  • If mars had earthquakes would they be called marsquakes?
  • Why is Charlie short for Charles if they are both the same number of letters?
  • How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?
  • Do Lipton employees take coffee breaks?
  • If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them?
  • Can you cry under water?
  • If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?


A Woman was out golfing one day when she hit the ball into the woods.She went into the woods to look for it and found a frog in a trap.

The frog said to her, 'If you release me from this trap, I will grant you three wishes.'
The woman freed the frog, and the frog said, 'Thank you, but I failed to mention that there was a condition to your wishes.

Whatever you wish for, your husband will get ten times of it!' The woman said, 'That's okay.'

For her first wish, she wanted to be the most beautiful woman in the world.
The frog warned her, 'You do realize that this wish will also make your husband the most handsome man in the world, an Adonis whom women will flock to'. The woman replied, 'That's okay, because I will be the most beautiful woman and he will have eyes only for me.'
So, KAZAM-she's the most beautiful Woman in the world!

For her second wish, she wanted to be the richest woman in the world.
The frog said, 'That will make your husband the richest man in the world.
And he will be ten times richer than you. '
The woman said, 'That's okay, because what's mine is his and what's his is mine.'
So, KAZAM- she's the richest woman in the world!

The frog then inquired about her third wish, and she answered, 'I'd like to have a mild heart attack.'

Moral of the story: Women are clever. Don't mess with them.

Male readers: Please scroll down.

The man had a heart attack ten times 'milder' than his wife!!!

Moral of the story : Women are really dumb but think they're really smart .
Let them continue to think that way and just enjoy the show

PS: If you are a woman and are still reading this; it only goes to show that women never listen!!!

Sunday, 14 July 2013


Single women are increasing, why ?? A friend of mine told us that she has decided to be single. She is only 28 years old. Is women became more insecure about men or women are more independent or they are trying to run away from responsibilities and commitments ? Single means Lonely. But most importantly you are happy....
When I was at the age of 28 years old and still single, I was rather worry whether I would find my Mr Right. But I never give up searching for one. I have many friends, many guys who are considered close friends. The journey of looking for the Mr Right was not easy at all knowing the fact that majority of men are not trust worthy until I met my husband when I was at the age of 29 years old. The 1st 4 years was like a roller coaster, then the new journey of motherhood came about and my daughter is the ANGEL who lighted up my life. That is when I knew that my destiny is to take care of her.
Only when a child becomes a mother would then understand the real role of a "mother". We would always take advantage of our parents and refuse to listen to any advised. But once you enter into motherhood, everything change. Change for the better. All you know is that, all the time spent, with a fulltime work, cleaning, sleepless nights, nurturing and endless commitments and responsibilities are all WORTH it !
To all single women out there, be positive and optimistic in finding your life partner/soul mate. Even though if you are married, it doesn't guarantee for life. It may or may not turn out well but at least you don't give up on the meaning of life. It will come when the time is RIGHT !



What is your body shape ? There are 7 types of body shapes for ladies.
Those days women used to envy Marilyn Monroe's body shape - The Hour Glass shape. In the 21st century onwards, ladies would majority prefers The Lean Column. The skinnier you are, the better you look like the Korean or Hong Kong artist. You hardly describe them as FAT. As compare to Malaysian, the majority can be describe as either pear or apple. Sad to say that our Malaysian food is the main caused to the FAT contribution.
If your body shape as below :
Long body / Short legs : Wear dresses that emphasize your waistline, wear short to medium long tops
Short body / Long legs : Choose dresses that flow through the waist, wear medium-long to long over blouses, tops & jackets


Facial is the all time women's favourite. I just came back from my 2 hours facial session. The last I did was a month ago. My skin type is a combination of oily and dry. In fact, I started my facial since I was 13 years old. My mum use to be very particular about girl's complexion and she encourage my younger sister and I  to look good. My sister has got a better complexion than me. I have experienced the worst nightmare with a cosmetic brand called Menard which was influenced by my school mate to try it out. Then I guess I do not need to further explain regards to my skin condition. It took me years to treat my face condition by visiting another trusted beautician.
Anyway, it's already a history but one thing for sure that is I did not stop doing facial. For the past 10 years I was very loyal to Adonis but 4 months ago I changed to a new beauty salon. The salon's product is so effective and always during the facial massage, I will knock out. Facial massage is my favourite part of the whole session but the product is so relaxing that makes me fall asleep the moment my beautician starts her massage.  So far I'm very satisfied with her service and product.
Ladies out there, do spend some time to do your facial and relax yourself at least once a month.
My trusted skincare product.... DECLEOR from Paris


Constipation is defined as having a bowel movement fewer than three times per week. With constipation stools are usually hard and dry. It is a common condition that affects people of all ages.

I used to experience constipation that last up to 4-5 days, it makes my stomach feel bloated and discomfort. But not anymore.

How to prevent constipation :

1. Fibre
  • It helps to add bulk to stool, helping it move through the colon more smoothly. This reduces constipation and cramping.
  • It also helps stool retain water, thus preventing constipation
  • Fruits like apples, papayas or guava does encourage active bowels
2. Water
  • Drink plenty of water to help move your bowels.
3. Avoid trigger foods - which can cause Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • Caffeine (coffee, tea, sodas and energy drinks)
  • High-fat foods
  • Chocolate
  • Gas producing food eg. beans, cabbage and carbonated drinks
  • Milk and other dairy products, especially people with lactose intolerance
  • Other sugars like fructose (fruit sugar) and sorbitol (often used in sugar-free foods)
4. Exercise - Yoga helps to relieve constipation


The goodness of TOMATOES.......... A recent review of the health benefits of this orange-red fruit has revealed that tomatoes and tomato based products play a vital role in reducing the risk of disease. Tomatoes are full of antioxidants and possess anti-thrombotic (interferes in blood clot formation) and anti-flammatory properties. They also lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, cognitive dysfunction and even certain cancers.





Posture describes the alignment of the body, in particular the spine. Your posture either standing or sitting is affected by your daily activities, as your body will adapt to the stresses placed on it. Incorrect posture places stress on your joints, muscles, bones, nerves and tendons. It forces your body's muscular system to adapt to improper alignment. Correcting your posture requires effort, practice and different exercises that help your body return to its proper standing and sitting positions.

There are 5 common defective body posture :
  1. Stiff-Rigid
  2. Slump Hump
  3. Sway Back
  4. Dropped Shoulder
  5. Sway Back & dropped Shoulder

Good Standing Posture :
  • Head Up
  • Chin Level with Floor
  • Chest Up
  • Shoulder Relaxed
  • Lower Abdomen Flat

Center Line - extend from center of head, through neck, shoulder hip, knees and arches of feet

Body Weight - is balance along this center line and supported by the weight bearing arches of the feet

Sitting Posture
Many people have jobs that require prolonged periods of sitting at a desk. While at your desk, you may practice poor posture. Poor desk posture typically involves sitting with your shoulders slumped and your back rounded. If you maintain poor posture for a significant period of time, you can experience several adverse effects : poor circulation, fluid loss, increase chance of injury, chronic pain and muscular imbalance. It is important to identify and correct poor posture in order to prevent long-term effects.

                                                       Examples of Bad Sitting Posture
Check your standing & sitting posture now and ensure you correct it before its too late......... 


This below reference is advised by a professional image consultant and I think generally you can search from the net on the relevant topic.

  • The Darker the colour, the more Power the wearer will be perceived to possess
  • High Contrast colour, a WOW combination, power dressing and attract attention
  • Medium Contrast colour, people friendly and professionally effective way to coordinate colours
  • Low Contrast colour, results in wearer become almost invisible
Warm Colours :
Cream, brown, teal, olive green, bright red, peach, camel, violet

Cool Colours :
Black, white, blue, fresh green, burgundy, pink, green, purple

It is also best to match your skin tone with your hair colour. If you are a yellow skin tone, you should match with warm hair colour eg. brown. If you are pink skin tone, match with red tone of hair dye. Then the matching between the colours of your attire depending whether it is for Business wear, Business Casual or Casual wear.

The eye shadow colours should match the clothing colours.

Rule No.1
Match Warm + Warm, Cool + Cool

Rule No.2
Young & Vibrant - Wear Clean Colours

Rule No.3
Wear Contrast Colours For People To Remember You
(but match it well and don't look like a Christmas Tree. Ha ha....)

                                                                     Colour Chart

Saturday, 13 July 2013


This woman rushed to see her doctor, looking very much worried and all strung out. She rattles off: “Doctor, take a look at me. When I woke up this morning, I looked at myself in the mirror and saw my hair all wiry and frazzled up, my skin was all wrinkled and pasty, my eyes were bloodshot and bugging out, and I had this corpse-like look on my face! What's WRONG with me, Doctor!?
The doctor looks her over for a couple of minutes, then calmly says: “Well, I can tell you that there ain't nothing wrong with your eyesight....        

A woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says: “That's the ugliest baby that I've ever seen. Ugh!
The woman goes to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: “The driver just insulted me!” 
The man says: “You go right up there and tell him off – go ahead, I'll hold your monkey for you.”

A doctor says to his patient, “I have bad news and worse news”.
“Oh dear, what's the bad news?” asks the patient.
The doctor replies, “You only have 24 hours to live.”
“That's terrible”, said the patient. “How can the news possibly be worse?”
The doctor replies, “I've been trying to contact you since yesterday.”
Hope you enjoy it !!


Credit cards is the ultimate seduction. They're so easy to use, they offer you everything you could ever possibly want to buy and they encourage you not to think about the consequences. They're also a necessary part of modern life.

They can be a TRAP for the unwary. It is the reason you never get out of debt and never have any money to save or invest.

Using a credit card responsibly means :

1. Only make purchases within your existing budget
2. Never purchase perishables with a credit card
3. Paying off your credit card bill in full at the end of each month
4. For larger purchases like appliances or furniture, pay off your bill within a year
5. Never get into more debt than you can afford to carry

Some helpful hints about credit cards :

Here's what you do if your credit card debt is getting out of hand. First, don't blame anyone but yourself. Next - stop using it. Don't accumulate any more debt. Limit yourself with just 1 or 2 cards. Don't get anymore new cards. Freeze all your credit cards in your freezer.

Check out your statement the interest rate they are charging you. Think about an investment that pays you an interest at the same % a year.

Therefore, paying off your credit card debt is your 1st priority in your budget. Make sure you pay more than the minimum charge for each of your cards. Pay by CASH instead of using future money. You will learn how to budget your expenses if you use CASH.

The above is based on my years of experience in dealing with credit cards with some reference from the experts.

I welcome you to share with me and others if you have any better solutions to settle credit card debt.

Control Your Credit Cards Usage !


I read an article from our local newspaper today that I would like to share.

There are 6 things you should know about your brain :

1. Your brain weighs 1.3kg
2. Your brain is just 2% of your body weight
3. It can potentially create a staggering amount of thought pathways
4. The 100 million neurons in your brain can create more ideas than the number of atoms in the universe
5. Idea zip around in your brain at 428km per hour
6. Capacity for data storage is a terabyte of terabytes

By Terry Small, who is a brain expert residing in Canada. He believes learning to learn is the most important skill a person can acquire.

                       My opinion is "Never Stop Learning" & "Broaden Your Horizons"


Women says Money solve everything. Men says Money is not everything. So what is your opinion ?

For me, money does solve many problems but not happiness. Money issues can even cause many arguments between husband & wife or with your family members. What happens if you fall ill ? Money may or may not cure your illness but it will sure prolong your life if it is not too critical. That is why insurance companies are becoming more popular as compare to 10 years ago. I have seen friends who are rich but they are not contented or happy. They even lose everything overnight. I noticed those who are very rich are mostly very humble as compare to the not so rich ones. Always save sufficient money for rainy days. It is not so easy to save nowadays based on the increase standard of living especially living in the city and having more than 1children. It's a life time commitment and responsibility.

Recently I met many young single entrepreneurs age 30-40 years old who can afford to buy RM3M bungalows and driving expensive luxury cars. You will be wondering where does the money comes from ? It is either from their parents or a self-made millionaires. Thumbs up for those who are self-made millionaires.

As for those who are not so rich, start planning for your retirement funds now. It's better late than never.... Allocate a certain % of your pay cheque into a different savings account.

There is a saying, "Sikit-sikit jadi BUKIT".


One of the most popular topic among women.

To cut down on calories or to exercise more ? My opinion is moderation for both. Maintain the exercise at least 2-3 times a week, minimum 1 hour each time. Start counting the calories intake.

Malaysian food calories content :

Nasi Lemak - 389
Asam Laksa - 430
Chicken Rice - 277
McDonald (Double Cheese Burger Set)- 1,020
Char Kuey Teow - 321
Fish Head Curry - 385
Rojak Buah - 150
Curry Puff (mini) - 43
Curry Mee - 339
Nasi Briyani - 415
Mee Hun Soup - 350
Wantan Mee Dry - 411
Wantan Mee Soup - 300
Coke - 137
Large Fries - 500
Teh Tarik - 97

Scary right... You will be wondering how many calories is recommended per day ? For example myself based on my age, gender, activity level, height and current weight and if my aim is to lose another 2 more kilos, I need to consume not more than 1,300 calories per day. Then within 1 months time I should be able to reduce the 2 kilos.

General guideline is :
Women should not consume any less than 1,200 calories per day, and men should not consume less than 1,500 calories per day.  

My advise is to treat yourself only once a week for the above food or best would be once a month. But I do encourage to go for vegetarian diet at least once a week for meat eaters.




I bought this from my hair salon to treat my dry and frizzy hair type. I apply it on my hair after my shampoo then blow dry. It provides nutrient to my hair. I always find it difficult to take care of my hair since young due to frequent hair dye and blowing. More over I have dry and sensitive scalp. So always after my hair dye, my entire scalp will be very sensitive. It doesn't encourage me to grow long hair like many Asian girls with black, silky, long, straight hair. My hairstyle usually be either short or the most shoulder length. I really envy those girls with the almost perfect hair type.

I was once advised by a doctor to apply olive oil on my scalp for overnight and wash it on the next day. Doesn't seems to work. I have even used many types of hair tonic, shampoos, hair care products, etc but nothing works. Unless if I go for regular treatments on the weekly basis, maybe it will help. Time is my main concern cause I worked full time. Any other good suggestions ?


“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”  

Albert Einstein

MY LAZY......... CAT

My cute 5 months old female kitten adopted from my nearby housing estate. She is very playful and enjoy playing with my dog. People says cats and dogs can never get along. Not true.... Animals are always contented with what they have, unlike humans. So long they have food, water, attention and a comfy place to sleep, they will feel contented and loyal. As for human, the more you provide, the more they want and later turns to greed.

Always be mindfulness, grounded and positive. Animals do not demand, command and expect anything in return. Don't you agree ? So love your pet more, the only thing they need from us is care and attention.

Look at how my adorable kitten sleep .... Purrr.....

Friday, 12 July 2013


When is the best time to practice yoga ? My suggestion is either first thing in the morning or evening. My favourite is SUN SALUTATION. It is recommended to do between 6-12 rounds. It sure improves your flexibility, strength and stamina. With the right breathing, it helps to enhance the concentration and reserve your energy. Deep breathing helps you to regulate your heart beat, calm your mind and relax your nervous system.

I used to recalled when I first started yoga, I enjoyed it so much but I didn't improve much on my flexibility and neither do my breathing. The class is always packed with students and the teacher has no chance to correct or adjust any students. However, I managed to practice for 1 year and decided to stop and take up an instructors course. Weeks of intense training in both practical and theory lesson, I totally understand the benefits and the techniques on how to master a pose. From then onwards, yoga is part of my life.....Without yoga, I would never be who I am now. I'm sure everyone has their own favourite hobby or sports. Maintain your healthy exercise to make you a HAPPY person :)


My make-up routine. I usually spend 10-15 mins to do my make-up and hair. Unlike others they can spend up to 30 mins in front of the mirror touching up. Imagine 15mins shower + 10mins selecting for matching clothing + 20 mins make-up + 10mins hairdo = total of almost 1 hour to get yourself ready for breakfast. So much patience right. That is why men can never understand why women can spend such a long time in the morning. Can we spare such patience with our work, friends, family, kids, etc ?

My regular make-up tools....



Recently I attended a Grooming Workshop by Wendy Lee organised by my company. She is a Professional Image Consultant. The topics includes Projecting A Professional and Confident Corporate Image. The 1st Impression is crucial especially if you're in the sales industry. It was proven that beautiful people gets paid/earn higher than the less beautiful ones. The workshop will explain to you the hair styles that suit you, colours matching, clothing, make-up, shoes, body posture, handshakes, skin care, and etc. A short make-up session was introduced by her as well. We were given  a make-up tools such as foundation, loose powder, blusher, eye shadows, eye liner and mascara to use. I personally like the eye liner from MAC. It has a fine medium soft tip. I never like to use an eye liner because I find it so difficult to control it. But MAC eye liner pen make it so easy to apply. Cost RM75. I'm using it everyday to work.

Thursday, 11 July 2013


Origen Plus Vs. Total Image Collagen

Origen Plus is powdered form and Total Image is tablet form. My best choice is Origen cause its easier to drink, with an orange taste. I find that tablet is very difficult to swallow especially in the morning with an empty stomach. Origen is also more affordable. After consuming it for 4 months, my completion improves and the scar on my face seems to reduce. I consume it every alternate days. You can find it in selected leading pharmacy.

                                                          Origen Plus - 30 sachet per box

                                                 Total Image Collagen - 30 tablets/bottle


Á clean and beautiful toe nails is a must when you wear high heels. Go for a pedicure once a month for maintenance. You feel extra relax when they massage your legs and a good scrub. My regular place is a popular nail shop in USJ.

Look at my new sweet bright pink colour and floral nail art on my big toe........



It is the most effective probiotics for my kids. Highly recommend for kids who fall sick all the time. Especially when they go to the school. I used to spent at least RM150 per child visiting doctor and medication. Worst thing is that their body got immune to the medication and nothing works. Now with Kordel, I spend only RM60+ per box (30 sachet) per month consumption. My kids love the vanilla flavour. 

To all Mother's, must try and no harm trying.



Means "Unity". My favourite past time. Helps me to relieve stress, boost up my immune system, anti ageing, improve flexibility, strength, stamina and really sweat it all out in just 1 hour of practice. I have been practicing yoga for the past 8 years. I used to go gym and swimming but I find it too boring. Yoga can burn at least 300 calories per hour.

Diet + Yoga = Health

I will explain more of the benefits in my next article.


Organic Body Soap

I would like to recommend you to use organic body soap for sensitive, dry, acne and problem skin. It's made from organic pure essential tea tree oil mixed with lavender oil and flower buds . It really works for my sensitive skin around my neck area. Cost only RM20 per bar.

Looks like jelly right. Really effective for my skin condition.


Beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, ideas, object or place. Well, obviously this blog is referring to person. You also have Inner Beauty or Outer Beauty. Which one is more important ? Beauty & The Beast - is the direct meaning of Inner & Outer Beauty. If you posses good looks but lousy character, you are considered a Beast. 1st impression people usually judge from the outlook rather than the inner look. There's a saying, "Never Judge A Book By It's Cover".
I still remember this movie, kind a sad ....

Our cosmetic technology is so advance nowadays that can turn an ugly duckling into a swan. Anyway, it is better to refer to Natural Beauty.

2 months ago I went into a hair salon which I would recommend all my friends to go. They are rather good especially the pretty lady boss. The name of the salon is called Hedkandee Hair Studio in Puchong Utama, near AEON Big. They have 2 outlets ; Puchong and Tmn Equine. I did my 1st time experience in Korean Perm. A total of 5 hours - perming, trimming and blow drying, it was very tiring but not very costly. Best thing is, I'm very satisfied with the service and outcome. Natural and increases the length of my hair. From then onwards, they are my regular hair salon. Not easy to find good hair stylist in Puchong area. I have tried many salons for the past few years and failed to find a good and professional one. But now I found it !


A little secret that I would want to share with the world about the recipe of Beauty & Health in this blog. Beauty generally refers to ladies/women. Health can be for both men/women. One may own Beauty but not Health or vice versa. You will be perfect to own both.

Other than beauty, your scent differentiate your character as well. It's all depends on the selection of perfume that you use.

Recently I stepped into a hardware shop just to purchase a door bell and the lady boss suddenly asked me, "What perfume are you using?" So my secret is Lancôme Miracle. And I thought the smell of the shop would cover any other scent. Then I was more convince and confident to wear it on a daily basis. I bought this last year from the airport, not too expensive.

Simple tips on how to make Perfume stay ?
  • Moisturizer : If your skin is dry, apply moisturizer first. Perfume last longer in a moist environment.
  • Allow your moisturizer to be fully absorbed before applying perfume.
  • Pressure points : Spray your perfume on your wrist, your neck and behind your knees.
If you prefer less strong and choking smell, try this !